Video: World Environment Day 2021
The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Litter and other garbage doesn’t belong in nature. Oceans and lakes, rivers and forests – as well as the diverse wildlife that call these habitats home – bear the burden of our waster. Scientists predict that if current trends of plastic pollution continue, there will be more plastic than fish in the east by 2050. Together, we can turn things around.
The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is a national conservation program with WWF-Canada that provides Canadians with the opportunity to take action in their communities, wherever water meets land. No matter how far you live from a coastline, you can be part of the solution.

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Health Care
Health care is a very important factor to determine the physical and mental well-being of the people. Health care system and services may vary from one country to another, given the health care policies of that certain state. Check here some resources about the Canadian Health System.

Provincial and territorial governments set up and run their own school systems. They’re much the same across Canada, but there are some differences among provinces and territories.
Canada does not have a federal department or national system of education.
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